EEXIST Future Work
Here are some anticipated areas of future work (aka The Wish List)
Directed Evolution
It could be useful to allow user intervention in the evolution process. If the goal is to evolve some sort of deired behavior, the way in which that evolution arrives at a good solution isn't really important. So having a human monitor the behavior of the system of evolving individuals, so they can interceed in the process, selecting particularly interesting looking individuals, or individuals that seem to be moving in the desired direction. Remember, the evolutionary approach is just a tool here: the goal isn't to show that a population of individuals canevolve in a certain way; the goal is to develop a useful initial configuration of the system.
Further Study of Emergent Behaviors
Simply studying the behavior of the system may prove interesting: seeing what sorts of behavior emerge from simply initial states. The system can currently detect how much the system state changes over time, but more sophisticated analysis and detection of the system's behavior could be incorporated, to allow the system to run through many random initial states, while recognizing those cases where the system is doing something that is deemed "interesting."
Light Tracking
Just as an example application: imagine a photon receptor that responds to light by changing the chemical balance in a section of the system. Expose the sensor to a (virtual) light source, and let the chemical balances change. Now tie the balance of other chemicals to the position of the sensing system. Now try to evolve a system that tracks light. This feels less digital than some of the other early experiements.
The following is a partial list of desired changes and enhancements to the simulated system:
This list will certainly change over time. We've only started to brush the surface of possibilities The challenge is to think beyond the obvious, in order to discover the unanticipated aspect of the system.