Here you will find links to different research topics, programming projects, experiments, etc. related to the Cell Matrix, SLP and EEXIST system. Feel free to browse, check out interesting topics, ask questions, experiment and contribute as you like!
Some of these projects are relatively short programming projects that my take a few hours; other might be suitable for a doctoral dissertation. Many are good starting points from which to explore projects of your own choosing.
Application of EEXIST to a Virtual Ecosystem.
Here is a higher-level overview of some recent EEXIST ideas.
Using genetic algorithms, one can try to evolve systems that exhibit certain behaviors. There is some preliminary work on this available here. Ideas for projects can also be found here.
EEXIST is a generalization/extension of the Zero-Bit Computer (ZBC). While programming the ZBC is laborious, it is fairly straightforward, and follows many of the same techniques used in programming a more-traditional RISC system. Programming EEXIST is more difficult though, in large part because of the extended effect of instructions, as well as the simultaneous execution of all instructions and the complete blending of code and data. For this reason, work has so far concentrated on evolutionary approaches, such as employing genetic algorithms to the task of programming the system.
Recently, work has begun to include more deliberate setup and manipulation of the EEXIST system, including addition of BASE and DIAMETER parameters to each tube in the system...
Ideas for generally-smaller embellishments to the simulation system.
Ideas for rewriting the EEXIST simulator, adding new capabilities, etc.